The Effectiveness of Domestic Violence Civil Protection Orders in Butler County

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Griscelda Perez
Anjanette Wells


By Griscelda Perez , Social Work

Advisor: Anjanette Wells

Awards: Project Advisor Award: Excellence in Research Mentoring

Presentation ID: 282

Abstract: Domestic violence is a widespread societal problem that could affect anyone. Its survivors may experience traumatizing physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, or economic abuse. Unfortunately, the abuse that survivors and their families experience does not always end after the survivor attempts to or successfully leaves an abusive relationship. Instead, the abuser's desperation to maintain power and control over their victim may heighten the danger and can have potentially fatal consequences. As a result, Civil Protection Orders have become the principal intervention to prevent and deter unwanted contact from domestic violence perpetrators. However, current research on the effectiveness of Civil Protection Orders is limited, and most of the studies have produced mixed results. This descriptive study sought to examine the effectiveness of Civil Protection Orders in Butler County by analyzing information from a domestic violence support agency database regarding Civil Protection Orders granted within the last eight months. Afterward, public criminal records were accessed to gather information about any violation of a protection order charges. Additionally, the age, court sentencing mandates, and violent or substance abuse priors of defendants charged with violating the protection orders were recorded. The results from this study showed that only two out of nineteen final Domestic Violence Civil Protection Orders were, and six out of seventy-two Domestic Violence Temporary Civil Protection orders were violated.

Article Details

Category: Social (In)Justice