REWARDS: A Reading Intervention Program to Address Grade Level Reading Ability 

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Rachael Autzen
Tina Fellinger
Krista Beyrer


By Rachael Autzen, Communication Science & Disorders ; Tina Fellinger, Communication Science & Disorders

Advisor: Krista Beyrer

Presentation ID: 315

Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine if a systematic, scripted reading intervention would increase the words read correctly and improve overall literacy skills in adolescents who were identified with reading performance below grade level. The intervention program used was the REWARDS Secondary; a research-validated reading program geared towards students reading at a third-grade level or above. The program focused on teaching strategies to decode grade-level multisyllabic words, increase reading fluency rate, expand vocabulary, and increase student confidence (Archer, Gleason, & Vachon, 2008). Four female seventh grade students from a local Ohio high school participated in the intervention program. Criteria for inclusion was below grade level scores on the MAP Fall 2020 reading assessment that was administered to all students. Before intervention began, baseline measures were gathered using three curriculum-based measurements. Each student was seen twice weekly for 45-minute virtual sessions. The students' oral reading fluency was assessed once weekly and plotted on a graph throughout the intervention process. According to graphs which plotted students' reading baselines through end points, all participants scores followed the predicted aim line/projected progress. Although delivery of the intervention had several limitations, it can be concluded the REWARDS Secondary provides effective intervention in aiding students in achievement of grade-level reading.

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Category: Teaching and Learning