Mosquito Fish Ethinylestradiol and Testosterone Exposure Experiment

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Ariana Berrios
Eduardo Pocasangre
Latonya Jackson
Latonya Jackson


By Ariana Berrios, Biological Sciences; Eduardo Pocasangre, University of Cincinnati; Latonya Jackson, Univerity of Cincinnati

Advisor: Latonya Jackson

Presentation ID: 321

Abstract: Endocrine disrupting chemicals such as 17 α-ethinylestradiol and testosterone are well known threats to the environment worldwide. However, little research has been conducted on viviparous fish and how these toxins can influence their behavior and morphological traits. This study aims to analyze changes in behavior, mortality, and changes to body length and fertility. Female fish were exposed for 3 days to 0 and 50 ng/L of EE2 or T2 for the behavioral study and seven days to 0, 5, and 50 ng/L of EE2 or T2 for the morphological study. There was a significant difference in aggressive behavior in EE2 exposed females. EE2 exposed females were significantly longer than T2 exposed females and control females. Testosterone induced births in females which did not occur in EE2 exposed and control females. This information and future studies will prevent the decline of wild populations due to contamination in the natural environment.

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Category: The Natural World