Retention Mechanisms of Modified Ribonucleosides on Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Columns

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Ami Patel
Balasubrahmanyam Addepalli


By Ami Patel, Biochemistry

Advisor: Balasubrahmanyam Addepalli

Presentation ID: 322

Abstract: The purpose of this project is to understand the retention mechanisms of ribonucleosides, the building blocks of RNA that consist of a ribose and nucleobase, during hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography analysis. Select nucleoside probes representing the typical post-transcriptional modifications were compared for their differences in observed chromatographic retention times under defined mobile phase pH and stationary phase conditions. I would discuss the impact of acidic, basic, and neutral pH conditions in combination with the stationary phase containing either amide or silica diol or polymer diol functional groups on hydrophilic retention mechanisms through analysis of analyte retention time, peak shape, and peak width. These studies are expected to provide deeper insights into the development of optimal chromatography method for characterization of highly polar nucleosides by finding the optimal stationary phase.

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Category: New Frontiers