The Effects of Child Abuse Factors Resulting in Removal From the Home

Main Article Content

Kimberly Noguera
Gary Dicks


Record ID: 6

Type: Poster Presentation (in-person)

Advisor: Gary Dicks

Abstract: Child abuse and neglect in the United States are common, with at least 1 in 7 children having experienced abuse in the past year. However, this is most likely an understatement due to the fact many cases go unreported. In the year of 2019, 1,840 children died in the United States due to abuse and neglect - according to state agencies, that's an average of five children a day. Advocating and informing parents about child abuse and its prevention will help them enhance their parenting skills to promote healthy development, as well as intervene to lessen the harm and prevent any future risks.

Article Details

Category: Community & Cultural Connections
Author Biography

Kimberly Noguera, University of Cincinnati

Major(s): Social Work