Preventing Nurse Injuries Related to Direct Patient Care
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Record ID: 104
Presenter Award: Excellence in Research Communication
Type: Poster Presentation (in-person)
Advisor: Paul Lewis
Abstract: Bedside nurses are at an increased risk of musculoskeletal injury resulting from patient handling and lifting. The prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) among nurses was reported as being 73%. This negatively impacts patient outcomes, staffing due to injury time off, and potentially leads to chronic pain issues. The question the project is seeking to answer is, does education on assistive devices, body movements and exercises decrease nurse musculoskeletal injury. The purpose of our project is to educate nurses on the use of assistive devices, muscle strengthening exercises, and proper lifting techniques to decrease the risk of musculoskeletal injury for bedside nurses. We created an education session, after completing an extensive literature search, to present to registered nurses at Bethesda North. An information handout was created and lecture slides were used to present the information. The nurse's knowledge was assessed through the use of a pre and post test to determine the effectiveness of teaching. The education session should result in improved knowledge among nurses on lifting techniques and proper body mechanics. The outcome of the work will decrease nurse musculoskeletal injury leading to better patient outcomes and decreased nurse burnout.