Preventing Pressure Ulcers by the Use of Z-Flo Fluidized Positioners

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Ally Barnett
Jewel Troutman
Christina Drees
Mohammad Othman


Record ID: 144

Award(s): Excellence in Research Communication

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Poster

Abstract: The study of interventions to reduce pressure ulcers is important to improving patient outcomes. Pressure ulcers can interfere with patients' recovery and may contribute to longer hospital stays, pain, and increases risk of infections. The purpose of our project is to educate nurses on an orthopedic and neurology unit on how Z-Flo fluidized positioners can help prevent pressure ulcers.  The specific goal of our project addresses hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. The goal of our project is to implement fluidized positioners and turning of patients instead of current practice of regular pillows/wedges to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. Our current strategy for achieving our goal is to provide an educational course to nurses to inform them about using Z-Flo devices to prevent pressure injuries. After the course, nurses will be given a small test so their knowledge can be evaluated. After that we will also allow feedback to be given so the course can be improved. Based on research conducted by our group, the project results should reflect that using Z-Flo fluidized positioners helps reduce the risk of pressure ulcers. The necessary frequency of turns was not evident in our research, however it was clear that it should be assessed using multiple factors. The value of this information is to share the evidence of fluidized positioners to become common practice due to its prevention of developing hospitalacquired pressure injuries, which many hospitals are plagued with.      

Article Details

Advancing Education and Professional Practice
Author Biographies

Ally Barnett

Major: Nursing

Jewel Troutman

Major: Nursing

Christina Drees

Major: Nursing