Contributors to a Successful Substance Abuse Recovery Program

Main Article Content

Maddie Baenziger
Gary Dick


Record ID: 328

Award(s): Excellence in Research Communication

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Poster

Abstract: This study seeks to investigate and promote the integration of evidence-based practices in substance abuse recovery programs for adults, notably intensive outpatient programming, individual counseling, and peer support networks. As social workers, we strive to have a holistic view of the problem and incorporate multiple factors for clients to consider all their barriers to sobriety during treatment. Utilizing evidence of successful treatment can improve the stability of their mental health, and their sober support system, maintain their sobriety through healthy coping strategies, and allow for improved social worker-client relationships. The study analyzed the experiences of four adult women in the Off The Streets program who have obtained safe and affordable housing but are still participating in outpatient services as needed. The women provided feedback using a Likert scale to measure each intervention's impact and answered 3 open-ended questions discussing their sobriety journey in the program.

Article Details

Mental Health and Human Behavior
Author Biography

Maddie Baenziger

Major: Social Work; Spanish