Children in Foster Care and their Developmental Milestones

Main Article Content

Laura Acosta
Georgia Anderson


Record ID: 38

Program Affiliation: NA

Presentation Type: Poster

Abstract: For this project we are looking to see if children who are in foster care meet their appropriate developmental milestone compared to children who are not in foster care. To do so there will be a survey sent out to foster parent and a survey sent out to families whose children are not in foster care. The survey consists of cognitive developmental milestone, the foster parent or parent answer these questions with a "Yes" "No" or "Does not apply". The results obtained from the foster parents and parents is compared and put into a graph. These results will give social workers/case workers an idea of the areas in which foster children need more assistance in reaching their developmental milestones.   

Article Details


Social (In)Justice

Author Biography

Laura Acosta

Major: Social Work