The Impact of Ultrasound Guided IV Insertion

Main Article Content

Marina Hernandez
Rose Torkornoo
Maggie Pascual
Caroline Morrison


Record ID: 86

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Poster

Abstract: Registered Nurses are often challenged when prompted to insert an IV on the first try as evidenced by traditional insertions taking two or more attempts on average.  This in turn, delays care and reduces patient satisfaction and positive outcomes. Multiple IV insertions can cause more harm to the patient. A literature search was conducted to answer the following PICO question: In floor nurses, how does ultrasound guided peripheral IV insertions compared with traditionally inserted peripheral IVs affect the failure rates of IV insertion. Our project aims to present the evidence on the clinical impact and benefits of ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous (IV) insertion compared to traditional techniques. An educational session was created using media powerpoints and video on the success rates, time, efficiency, patient satisfaction, and complications associated with each method. To assess the effectiveness of our teaching, a pre and post test will be administered to determine the knowledge obtained by the audience. Our results are pending, however, we intend to improve nurses' understanding of the value of utilizing ultrasound guided PIVs versus traditionally inserted PIVs. Overall, our study will teach and promote the use of ultrasound guided PIVs to reduce pain associated with IV insertion, increase IV placement success rates, and improve patient outcomes.   

Article Details


Sensing, Perception, and Sensory Technology

Author Biographies

Marina Hernandez

Major: Nursing

Rose Torkornoo

Major: Nursing

Maggie Pascual

Major: Nursing