Bedside Report Increasing Patient Safety

Main Article Content

Abigail Carson
Madison Hardin
Sydney Davis
Mohammad Othman


Record ID: 120

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Poster

Abstract:  A crucial moment to assess the status of a patient occurs during a shift change from one nurse to the next. In these moments, nurses have the ability to halt unsafe interventions before it becomes a sentinel event as well as include the patient in the conversation regarding their care. Purpose: The purpose of this project was to answer the question of how does receiving handoff report at the bedside compared to receiving handoff outside the patient's room benefit patients' safety and satisfaction? Nurses often feel that a bedside report takes longer than any other report. Nurses also agree with the false notion that they cannot speak freely in front of a patient and their family. Methods: Nurses on the Clinical Decision Unit at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center received an educational presentation including a poster of statistics regarding increased patient safety and an informational video demonstrating situational techniques of report proving the efficiency and effectiveness of bedside. While conducting research it was found that bedside report decreases falls, medication errors, and allows for patient communication that needs to be addressed. A pre and post test were administered to assess the knowledge gained during the educational session. Results: Results pending. 

Article Details

Advancing Education and Professional Practice
Author Biographies

Abigail Carson

Major: Nursing

Madison Hardin

Major: Nursing

Sydney Davis

Major: Nursing