Decreasing Pain Perception in Laboring Patients with the Use of Music Therapy

Main Article Content

Naiah Mensah
Abbey Canupp
Gabi Iordache
Paul Lewis


Record ID: 166

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Poster

Abstract: Labor pain is a high-level, long-lasting pain perceived during labor which may have an adverse effect on the delivery of  a newborn. Music therapy seems to have beneficial effects on labor pain by reducing labor pain perception by 3.41 times. The purpose of this project is to implement music therapy on a Labor and delivery unit. The project will educate Labor and Delivery nurses on the beneficial effects of music therapy on laboring patients. A 10-minute presentation PowerPoint will be presented along with an educational handout. A pre-test and post-test will be given to assess changes of Staff Nurse's current knowledge of and attitude towards music therapy in labor. Results pending. 

Article Details


Sensing, Perception, and Sensory Technology

Author Biographies

Naiah Mensah

Major: Nursing

Abbey Canupp

Major: Nursing

Gabi Iordache

Major: Nursing