Do Overall Land Management Practices Positively Contribute to Fledgling Success in Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, Carolina Chickadees, and House Wrens? (1996-2022)
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Record ID: 219
Program Affiliation: Braun Environmental Science Fellowship
Presentation Type: Poster
Abstract: The effect of land management practices contribution to fledgling success in Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, Carolina Chickadees and House Wrens was studied at the Cincinnati Nature Center Rowe Woods location as well as the Long Branch Farm location. The study consisted of three parts. Firstly, data collected by staff and volunteers from 2012-2022 was compiled and organized into data tables. This collected data occurred weekly with trained staff and volunteers observing birdbox inhabitors as well as their life cycle stage and health condition. Next, both maps and ArcGIS were used to determine which areas had undergone land management practices. Finally, analysis of data was completed comparing presence to absence of land management practices. Since none of the data yielded statistically significant results, land management practices contribution alone to fledgling success cannot be determined. However, the presence of land management practices is clearly one factor in determining condition of habitat as well as food and health. Further experimentation is warranted, especially on the prevalence and diversity of birds at the Cincinnati Nature Center.