Educating Pediatric Nursing Students on Coping Strategies When Dealing with The Loss of a Child Patient

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Claire MacGowan
Anna Eschemeyer
Rachel Berling
Mohammad Othman


Record ID: 304

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Poster

Abstract: Almost 75% of pediatric nurses will experience the loss of a child patient within their first year of working. No specific training is provided to nursing students coping with the loss of a patient. The purpose of this project was to provide information to students on positive coping strategies they can use with the focus on the benefits of group debrief sessions as well as individualized personal strategies. We conducted a literature search that consisted of current evidence published within the last seven years and created a PowerPoint educational session to present to a pediatric nursing class. This content outlined the purpose of our research, how the research applies to students, the various types of coping strategies, resources available, and the strategies that proved to be most beneficial when coping with the death of a patient. The pre and post-tests will assess the knowledge of students before and after our presentation. Ultimately, they will assess their confidence level when seeking support, identifying healthy coping strategies, and their understanding of bereavement. Results of this project are pending. The outcome of the education will help future nurses have a better understanding on how to cope with the loss of a patient. Students will be able to identify effective coping strategies such as group debriefing and understand the benefits utilizing this strategy will grant them rather than less effective strategies that only involve the individual alone.

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Advancing Education and Professional Practice

Author Biographies

Claire MacGowan

Major: Nursing

Anna Eschemeyer

Major: Nursing