Improving the Recycle Mindset in the Cincinnati Area

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Elizabeth Murphy
Kelly Kendall
Amy Townsend-Small


Record ID: 103

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Video

Abstract: Recycling systems and infrastructure across the globe are flawed as they cannot accept hard to recycle items such as plastics bags, plastic and foam kitchen items like straws, plastic liners, foam peanuts, and bubble wrap. Many of these items would normally go to a landfill. The mission is to reroute these items to go to a recycling facility to be made into new valued resources. The Hefty ReNew Program makes this a priority. They sell plastic bags specifically for this reason, where these types of items are not going to landfills. Our specific question is: How can we improve the recycling mindset here in Cincinnati to reduce the amount of plastic going into the landfill? To answer this question, we look to expand on the implemented Hefty ReNew Program in the area by making the recycling collection more inclusive, reach it to a larger audience, create incentives and after the Hefty - Rumpke partnership ends; ways in which Rumpke can keep the program going. This program has been successful in areas like Nebraska, Georgia, Tennessee, and Idaho. It is successful in these areas because of numerous partnerships, and haulers that collect these orange bags and transport them. They also receive grant money for investing in the program, and there is more than one local material recovery facility used for sorting. Our findings and steps to complete this project are ongoing. The outcome of the work will allow further improvement of the overall health of the Cincinnati area. 

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Green Cincinnati

Author Biographies

Elizabeth Murphy

Major: Environmental Studies

Kelly Kendall

Major: Environmental Studies