Developing Career Pathways in Cincinnati's Urban Agriculture

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Lillie Huseman
Amy Townsend-Small


Record ID: 250

Program Affiliation: Capstone

Presentation Type: Video

Abstract: Urban agriculture is the cultivation and distribution of food crops within an urban area. It is a practice composed of agricultural knowledge, sustainable development, and social implications. As the human population continues to grow and people migrate towards city living, it is necessary that cities develop to support a booming population while working to bridge the socioeconomic gaps related to food security and urban living. Using the guidelines of the Green Cincinnati plan,  we can help develop a prosperous job market and improve the  accessibility of education involving urban agriculture. Primarily, people need an incentive to join this sector of the workforce and have access to higher education and training regarding urban agriculture. To accomplish this, research must be done on what government funding is available, what are the  success stories of  urban agriculture plans in other cities, and what current educational and training opportunities are available in Cincinnati. Based on that research, a plan for Cincinnati can be formulated to support career pathways and education in urban agriculture. 

Article Details


Green Cincinnati

Author Biography

Lillie Huseman

Major: Environmental Studies