Service Learning-Collaboratory: India Experiences

Main Article Content

Julia Miller
Caroline Bahner
Sarah Huffman
Kate Bertsch-Jones
Michael Sharp


Record ID: 323

Program Affiliation: Service Learning

Presentation Type: Video

Abstract: This video presentation will tell the story of broadening the University of Cincinnati's network by establishing connections with local and regional partners to create opportunities for UC students in India. Furthermore, our commitment extends to developing a comprehensive portfolio outlining the framework of the CCPS UC International Experiential Program in India. By meticulously documenting every aspect of the program, we aim to encapsulate its essence and vision by the project's culmination.     Our methods included fully understanding the problem set as assigned by the client. This required us to not only research the client but to interact with the client several times, asking critical questions, and ensuring that we fully understood what was being asked. This step was followed by identifying potential solutions which were vetted with the client, this, after having an ambitious list the third-party providers who were contacted via email. After hearing back from potential partners, we shared this information with the client. The client then identified those of which we should reach out to and pursue. We then established connections and pivoted towards the process of creating final deliverables for the client.     This research experience has benefitted the group tremendously including the individuals in it. We have learnt to wrestle with ambiguity, overcoming obstacles, and demonstrating collective impact within our group and larger class so that our final deliverable for the client will be of high value and impact. The final deliverable given to the client included a vetted partner, and a detailed portfolio of potential curriculum.

Article Details


Experiential Learning

Author Biographies

Julia Miller

Major: Communication

Caroline Bahner

Major: Communication

Sarah Huffman

Major: Communication

Kate Bertsch-Jones

Major: Communication