Recruitment Difficulty at Hamilton County Head Start

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Kendriana Jones
Anjanette Wells


By Kendriana Jones, Social Work

Advisor: Anjanette Wells

Presentation ID: AM_A06

Abstract: Head Start is a federally funded early childhood program designed to provide comprehensive services to young children and emphasizes parent engagement. The program serves children and families who are most at risk in the community. National Head Start Assicistion's mission is to coalesce, inspire, and support the Head Start field as a leader in early childhood development and education. For my internship during this current 2018-19 school year, I decided to complete my field placement tasks and hours at Hamilton County Educational Service Center (HCESC) located at 924 Waycross Rd Cincinnati, OH 45240 in Forest Park, Ohio. Hamilton County Head Start has a Head Start program for children ages 3-5 yrs, as well as an Early Head Start program, where a home educator will come to your home and teach your child in the comfort of your home. This program is offered from birth until age 3. Head Start offers some full day and half-day programs depending on the site. Children who are homeless, in foster care or receive SSI are categorically eligible for the program. Head Start is an income based program, serving families at 21 different sites across Hamilton County outside of CPS school district.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being