One Size Does Not Fit All: A look at Math learning in children experiencing homelessness.
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By Yara Alfawares, Neurobiology; Brandie Matalka, Spanish & Psychology ; Scott Hempleman, Psychology
Advisor: Heidi Kloos
Presentation ID: AM_A16
Abstract: In the following study researchers looked at the impact of age on the improvement of math computational skills in children. Over a six week period during the summer children ages 5 to 12 practiced varying levels and types of math problems of their choosing via an iPad application. At the beginning and end of the program, tests were administered to the children to evaluate their math computational skills and math fluency. Based on the scores these tests returned, researchers found interesting trends in the data. Out of all the groups, results indicated that children who practiced problems one level above that which they scored on their math computation pre-test showed significantly more improvement on their post-test than those who practiced problems levels below that which they initially tested. Based on these findings, researchers suggest that math learning in elementary-school-age children experiencing homelessness is not suitable for a "one-size-fits-all" model, and should be re-evaluated to challenge each child individually for the most efficacy.