Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement in Elementary Students

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Jenna Gilden
Gary Dick


By Jenna Gilden, Social Work

Advisor: Gary Dick

Presentation ID: AM_A24

Abstract: Self-esteem can affect a student's academic achievement as it motivates a student to do better or causes a student to compare themselves to others. If a student has high self-esteem, they are more likely to have better grades and behave appropriately in school. The focus of the study is elementary students. The purpose of this study was meant to provide a better understanding of the relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement in children. Selected students in a Cincinnati Public School participated in a group that focused on the improvement of self-esteem and emotional intelligence. The purpose of this group was to see if students benefit from practicing mindfulness activities and other mental health lessons. All students were referred by their teachers to participate in the group. There were four students referred from the second grade, three students from the third grade, and two fifth grade students and two sixth grade students. The fifth and sixth graders were in a group together. There was a total of eleven students. Self-esteem was measured through age appropriate tests. One test measured a students' self-esteem and another test measured their emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence was measured to see if it is related to self-esteem. Academic achievement was measured through students' report cards and discipline records.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being