Effectiveness of Attendance Intervention Plans and Parental Involvement for Students in a Public School Setting

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Marissa Pedroza-Erickson
Gary Dick


By Marissa Pedroza-Erickson, Social Work

Advisor: Gary Dick

Presentation ID: AM_A26

Abstract: When students are chronically absent and/or truant from school, this creates negative educational outcomes for the student and ultimately effects their future into adulthood. Research has shown that there are many micro, mezzo, and macro level factors that contribute to the likelihood of a student to experience chronic absenteeism and/or truancy such as poverty, poor living conditions, parental substance abuse and much more. This study will examine the effectiveness of implementing an attendance intervention plan (AIP) with the parents involved as outlined in the new HB410 law regarding truancy. The purpose of an AIP is to put interventions in place in order to eliminate barriers that may be resulting in the student's truancy. Data collected from the AIP meeting will determine whether meetings with the parent involved or meetings without the parent involved will have an impact on the effectiveness of the AIP meeting and an increase in the student's attendance rate.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being