The Effects of Stress on Nursing Students

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Ava Oelrich
Olivia Spampinato
Joe Perazzo


By Ava Oelrich, Nursing; Olivia Spampinato, Nursing

Advisor: Joe Perazzo

Presentation ID: AM_A37

Abstract: Stress has serious long-term consequences on a personal and professional level, but there are often insufficient resources and students do not learn how to manage this stress in healthy ways. The purpose of this project was to educate at risk student groups in the field of healthcare about the negative effects of stress and how to find and utilize resources to reduce stress and optimize their health and learning. After the presentation, a 5-point Likert scale posttest was given to evaluate effectiveness of the presentation and determine student engagement. The students were shown valuable resources available at their college and were taught mindfulness techniques that have been proven to reduce levels of anxiety and stress.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being