Girls Pathways into the Juvenile Justice System

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Ridhima Bhalla
Valerie Anderson


By Ridhima Bhalla, Criminal

Advisor: Valerie Anderson

Presentation ID: AM_A50

Abstract: Over the last few decades there has been an increased proportion of girls in the juvenile justice system. The current study focuses on girls' pathways into the juvenile justice system and advances an understanding of how court stakeholders view justice-involved girls' needs and pathways into the system. Qualitative interviews with juvenile court staff (n = 39) were analyzed for patterns that discussed (1) girls' varying pathways into the system, and (2) the extent to which available services are informed by those pathways. Findings reveal the various assumptions and stereotypes of those who work with girls hold and how they respond to their involvement with the justice system. The findings from this study have implications for theory and practice when working with court-involved girls.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- A: Social Justice & Social Well-Being