Review: The Ethnopoetics of Space and Transformation: Young People’s Engagement, Activism and Aesthetics by Stuart C. Aitkin


  • Alexis Halkovic Book Reviewer



Reviewed work: The Ethnopoetics of Space and Transformation: Young People’s Engagement, Activism and Aesthetics by Stuart C. Aitkin

Author Biography

  • Alexis Halkovic

    Alexis Halkovic is a Doctoral Candidate in the Critical Social/Personality Psychology program at The Graduate Center, City University of New York. She has a strong interest in understanding structural injustice and the ways that people resist and has conducted research on student activism and higher education post incarceration. Her dissertation topic uses narrative analysis to understand women’s perceptions of their vulnerability and the strategies they use to make themselves feel safer, focusing on self-defense training and gun ownership.

