Learning Gardens and Sustainability Education: Bringing Life to Schools and Schools to Life by Dilafruz R. Williams and Jonathan D. Brown


  • Illène Pevec Book Reviewer




Reviewed work: Learning Gardens and Sustainability Education: Bringing Life to Schools and Schools to Life by Dilafruz R. Williams and Jonathan D. Brown

Author Biography

  • Illène Pevec

    Illène Pevec, MA Curriculum Studies, University of British Columbia, Ph.D., Design and Planning, University of Colorado Denver,has worked in developing school gardens and garden curriculum since 1998 in Canada, Brazil and the United States. Her book, Growing a Life: Teen Gardeners Harvest Food, Health and Joy will be published by New Village Press in 2014. Dr. Pevec is the program director for Fat Cities Farmers and enjoys developing workshops for teachers to help them engage their students in gardens.

