Constructing a Theoretical Framework for Environmental Child-Friendliness


  • Liisa Horelli



environmental child-friendliness, person-environment fit, culturally-sensitive participatory planning and governance, quality of life, collective environment fit


In spite of increasing research on children’s environments, a lack of holistic theories on environmental child-friendliness exists. The aim of the article is to present, on the basis of comparative studies in Finland, Italy and Sweden, a framework for defining significant criteria of environmental child-friendliness (ECF), with examples of supportive environmental structures in Europe. The scope of ECF can be covered by a set of ten normative dimensions. Two complementary criteria, one of which focuses on ECF from the individual (person-environment fit) and the other from the group perspective (collective environment fit), seem promising. A most important context for the application of ECF is culture-sensitive participatory planning and governance in which even children can get involved. An ideal model of the conditions for a good local environment for dependent groups, such as families with children, is constructed.

