How to Submit to CYE
The CYE journal offers researchers a high-quality, refereed outlet for sharing work pertaining to the physical environments that impact the lives of children and youth around the world.
Submission to CYE journal implies that the paper is not under simultaneous review elsewhere. Authors must guarantee that their contribution is original, has not been published previously, and that any necessary permission to reproduce material from another source has been obtained.
Papers should be prepared using APA style and should adhere to the specific submission guidelines provided below. We encourage authors to include photos and other illustrations.
Papers are submitted via the online review platform, Scholastica. Authors will be asked to create an account for this purpose.
*Note: Book + Media Reviews are by solicitation only.
Submission Guidelines - Research Article
Research articles undergo a double-blind peer review process with a minimum of two reviews from experts in the field.
Download Research Article Guidelines (PDF)
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Submission Guidelines - Field Report
Field Reports tell a down-to-earth, real-life story about a specific program, initiative, or policy that links children and youth to a particular environment in a reflective, compelling, and informative way.