Die Stimmen, die es unternehmen, zu sprechen: Narrative Responsibility and the Free Indirect Mode in Christa Wolf’s "Nachdenken über Christa T."
GDR, Christa Wolf, Narrative Theory, Free Indirect ModeAbstract
Christa Wolf’s work continues to hold a fascination as an exemplar of GDR writing and the distinctive ‘East German’ literary aesthetic. Her narratives shift between multiple viewpoints and within the existing literature, the narrative structure of Nachdenken über Christa T. is often described in terms of an ‘intermingling’ or ‘merging’ of narrative voices. Yet a detailed analysis of the connection between her usage of the Free Indirect Mode (‘erlebte Rede’) and the political themes of Nachdenken has yet to be undertaken. In this paper, the connection between Wolf’s exploration of ‘subversive’ themes and her distinctively experimental literary style will be examined through a narrative theory lens. It will be argued that this ambiguity of voice served to assist in evading governmental censorship, while also challenging the very structure of a system that would allow a singular voice complete narrative responsibility.
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