Submit Book Review


The review should be a critical review in which the plot and/or content shine through so that even readers unfamiliar with the book or author(s) can get a comprehensive impression. No explicit plot summary is necessary. The focus should be a critical engagement with the quality of the argument (for secondary texts) or the quality of the literary aesthetic (for primary literature). Reviewers with previous research experience in the appropriate field are preferred.

Elements to include are: stylistic, thematic and biographic aspects of the work, as well as an attempt to situate the work within the existing intellectual framework.

The review should weave all these facets together in one comprehensive and comprehensible text. The review should inspire the curiosity in the reader by placing the work in a larger literary and/or intellectual trajectory.

Reviews may be in either German or English and between 2-5 double-spaced pages, set in 12 point Times New Roman. Follow the basic guidelines for scholarly writing as outlined in the MLA Style Manual. Begin your review with a heading in the following format: Title. Author. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date. Pages. Price. Followed by your Name and affiliation below it. For example:


Sexual Treason in Germany during the First World War

by Lisa M. Todd, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 227 pp. $101

Maria Mustermann

University of Cincinnati


Avoid using footnotes and keep quotations to a minimum. Include the page number(s) of any quotations in parenthetical reference: "Er müßte oft hinüber und herüber wandern, fand er, um Trennungsgefühle abzubauen" (170). Double-space the entire review, including the heading and quotations.

Call for Book Reviewers