School Counseling Students’ Perceptions of an Advocacy Course A Pedagogic Case Study

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Jennifer Curry
Imre Emeric Csaszar


The purpose of this pedagogic, single case study was to determine a) how students described the role of school counselors; and b) how students perceived their efficacy to serve as future advocates at the conclusion of participating in an advocacy course. Data were coded through a constructivist paradigm using interpretive analysis. Three major theme categories emerged including (a) developing a personal understanding of advocacy; (b) emotional arousal paired with the emergence of advocacy dispositions; and (c) efficacy for future advocacy. 

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Author Biography

Imre Emeric Csaszar, Louisiana State University

Imre Csaszar, Ph.D., LPC-S, NCC, is an Assistant Professor of Practice in the College of Human Sciences and Education at Louisiana State University and teaches in Counselor Education and Higher Education Administration.