Teaching for inclusion: Universal Design for learning

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Peggy Rosario


This personal essay describes how I integrated Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into my online teaching to foster inclusion and enhance my students’ ability to master the content of the doctoral education courses I teach. The first UDL strategy I used was giving students choices so they could focus their work on what most interested them. This was so successful that I expanded my use of UDL to include multiple means of representation so that students did not have to rely on just one way to learn the content. I used student performance data to inform where and how I needed to expand instructional resources. The final way that I integrated UDL into my teaching was through multiple forms of expression so students could select their preferred way of demonstrating their learning. This essay provides details about how I implemented each UDL strategy. In my course feedback, students write that my inclusive style helps foster a feeling of belonging and they can see that I care about their learning as an individual. I strongly believe that UDL is a tool that has helped me accomplish that.  The best feedback I get from students is when they tell me that they recognize the positive impact of my UDL approach and that they are fostering it in their own teaching.

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Personal Narrative