Interdisciplinary Faculty Learning Community: Reflections of Peer Review of Scholarly Teaching in Online and Hybrid Courses

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Michele D Kegley
Pamela L Rankey
Krista E Wood
Adam Chekour
Monica Hennessy
Amy B Miller
Tamika C Odum
Trevor A Presgrave
Krista Sigler



In 2017-2018, the faculty authors collaborated in a Peer Review of Scholarly Teaching in Online and Hybrid Courses, Faculty Learning Community (FLC). The FLC followed an established process used to facilitate peer review and personal reflection of scholarly teaching, with the primary difference being the exercises were applied to online or hybrid courses. This was an interdisciplinary community including faculty from disciplines including Biology, Business, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Physics, and Sociology.  As part of the FLC, participants shared reflections about course conception and planning, classroom practice, and student learning.  Each of the shared reflections were followed by a structured peer discussion. The focus was on reflective teaching and pedagogy.  Our experiences suggest that other faculty could benefit from sharing our interdisciplinary conversations. Review of the reflection themes suggest faculty interested in a transformative experience should participate in structured scholarly reflection and peer review. 

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