"Necessity is the Mother of Invention" (William Horman. Or Richard Franck. Or Plato. Or Alexandre Dumas...pick one) "Necessity is the Mother of Stealing Someone Else's Invention" (Sarah Cummins-Sebree)

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Sarah Cummins-Sebree


I have used the flipped classroom design in all of my face-to-face courses, and frankly, I do not plan on returning to a more traditional format.  I get to answer questions in more detail when they are working on practice problems or assignments, which is when they really need it. Attendance is better, and they are not zoning out or playing on their phones as much because they know they have to complete the assignment before class is over – no take-homes allowed. Some students tell me they listen to the podcasts while driving to campus on exam days as a review, and being able to listen to them repeatedly for it to “stick” is a big deal to them. It’s not all rainbows and sunshine and unicorns, but the benefits greatly outweigh the costs.

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Course Redesign