OCR-B: A Standardized Character for Optical Recognition


  • Adrian Frutiger


OCR-B is a typefont especially developed as an international standard for optical recognition by electronic computers. It includes figures, upper- and lower-case letters, and certain related symbols. The background leading up to the development of O CR-B is discussed. Basically the problem was two-fold- to design a typefont ( I ) that could be automatically read by machines, and ( 2 ) that would be aesthetically accepted by the human eye. The design of OCR-B is examined in light ofthese requirements, and examples are shown.

Author Biography

  • Adrian Frutiger
    Adrian Frutiger (23 Villa Moderne, Arcueil, Seine, France) is a type designer. His principal creation is the Univers sans serif family, which is adapted to foundry types, mechanical and photographical composing machines, and most recently to the new IBM-Selectric Composer. Frutiger started his own studio at Paris in 1961. He brought out two books composed by hand and illustrated with his own wood-engravings, Genese and Partages, both published by Pierre Beres. He has converted the stables of his farmhouse near Chartres into a studio and has produced sculpture in slate and concrete, which has been exhibited in Paris.






Journal Article