Typography with the IBM Selectric Composer


  • Adrian Frutiger


The place of the IBM Selectric Composer in the evolution of bookmaking processes is outlined: it provides a return to directness and simplicity, combined with the speed of mechanization. Some restrictions and problems which the new machine poses for the type designer are described. The article was originally presented as a lecture at Gallery 303 in New York City last fall. It has been composed on the IBM Selectric Composer in the Univers face which the author adapted to the machine.

Author Biography

  • Adrian Frutiger
    Adrian Frutiger (23 Villa Moderne, Arcueil, Seine, France) is a type designer. His principal creation is the Univers sans serif family which is adapted to foundry types, mechanical and photographical composing machines, and most recently to the new IBM-Selectric Composer described in the article. Frutiger started his own studio at Paris in 1961.






Journal Article