Book Art: a Critical Remix of The Electric Information Age Book
Operating under the theoretical frameworks of 'remediation,' 'recontextualization,' and 'critical design,' this project, titled Book Art The Information Electric Age, proposes an alternative method to standard book reviews and to notions of publishing. It is a critical book review with a supporting essay that includes an in-depth description of the author's hybrid digital-analog process. Book Art is a critical remix of The Electric Information Age Book: McLuhan/Agel/Fiore and the Experimental Paperback by Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Adam Michaels, with cameo appearances by The Medium is the Massage. Book Art uses collage to reconfigure and re-imagine these books as a commentary on mediation, information, expression, communication, and authorship. Book Art is freely available as a PDF download at Printed copies of Book Art may be purchased online at
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