Design Features of Learning Apps for Mobile Gamification
Graphic Designers Use Co-design to Prompt Young Children to Speak
co-design, graphic design, mobile gamification learning, speech learning, design methodsAbstract
This study sought to understand the design features of learning apps required for mobile gamification learning applications. In our study, 10 par-ents, two speech pathologists, and two childcare workers iteratively co-de-signed an app that is meant to assist parents to prompt young children with speech difficulties to speak. The co-designed app, Koko the Talking Koala, drew on current knowledge of mobile gamification theory. We identified six key design features of learning apps for app design, and propose that the following be included when designing apps: 1) include life-related scenarios in the storyline and the narrative; 2) use animation to prompt engagement, maintain attention, and invite participation; 3) use clear navigational instruc-tions; 4) use rhymes and repetition with audio rewards; 5) focus on parent–child interaction; and 6) use visual elements to express emotion.