Challenges in Care Coordinators' Clinical Workflow and Opportunities Designing a Health IT Solution

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Paul Murdock
Danny Wu


By Paul Murdock, Medical Sciences

Advisor: Danny Wu

Presentation ID: AM_B20

Abstract: Care coordinators play a critical role in addressing psychosocial, financial, and emotional patient needs and perform a wide variety of documentation tasks. Their clinical workflow and documentation activities may not be fully supported by health IT solutions and can lead to inefficient care delivery and low patient satisfaction. Through the analysis of qualitative interviews and event logs from the institutions electronic health record system, we found that inpatient care coordinators have three major workflow barriers: long travel time, heavy documentation load, and suboptimal communication. The event logs provided empirical evidence to highlight the workflow barriers. We then developed design guidelines of a health IT solution to overcome these workflow barriers of inpatient care coordinators.

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AM Poster Session -- Great Hall -- B: Health & Body