A Developmental Study of the marine crustacean "Paryhale Hawaiensis": the role of the marsupium in growth and survival.

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Joel Blair
Keen Wilson


By Joel Blair, biological sciences

Advisor: Keen Wilson

Presentation ID: CC_6

Abstract: The marine crustecean Paryhale hawaiensis serves as an important model species yet to be expansively studied. Their ability to tolerate rapid changes in their worldwide marine habitat makes them ideal for laboratory experiments. Embryos are housed in a clear ventral pouch called the marsupium and develop in about 10 days. By isolating embryos from females at different embryonic stages the effect of this pouch as a specialized environment for the growth and viability of the offspring may be explored. By carefully measuring growth and survival of embryos separated from the females at varying embryological stages characterized in, "Stages of Embryonic Development in the Amphipod Crustacean, Paryhale hawaiensis", a relationship may be discovered between the pouch and offspring success (Browne et.al, 2005). This data can help predict mortality and adjustment to normal growth expected in experiments requiring the early isolation of the embryo from the female for genetic and other manipulation. To characterize development of an organism from one fertilized cell to birth is a worthy endeavor. Studying and characterizing development from birth to maturity is something to strive for better understanding of and model systems such as Amphipods provide a great starting point.


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Capstone Competition -- Cinema