The Effect of Social Support on Supervision Violations

Main Article Content

Elizabeth Burkhardt
Amber Petkus


Record ID: 130

Type: Poster Presentation (in-person)

Advisor: Amber Petkus

Abstract: Many studies have analyzed the effect of social support on an individual's ability to succeed and positively adjust to probation and parole. Prior research has shown that individuals with stronger social bonds are more likely to successfully complete probation (Griffin & Hepburn, 2004). Additionally, stronger social support has been associated with higher life satisfaction while on probation, and better connections with treatment providers and probation officers (Haddad et al., 2009). However, little information exists regarding the link between the social support an individual on probation or parole experiences, and supervision violations they receive. The current study seeks to understand how the amount of social support an individual on probation or parole experiences affects the number of violations they receive while on supervision. Qualitative data collected from 98 interviews of individuals on probation and parole in five states is used to answer this question. Data was collected as part of the Arnold Ventures' sponsored Community Corrections Fines and Fees Study (CCFF). Specifically, interview responses to questions from the Multi-Dimensional Support Scale (MDSS) (Winefield et al., 1992) assessing the availability and adequacy of social support are used to measure social support amounts. Participants reported the number of violations they received on supervision. Each participant's age, type and seriousness of crime, prior supervision involvement, and socioeconomic status are also considered. Findings from this study will have important implications for the importance of social support and an individual's ability to successfully complete supervision. Implications for practice will be discussed.

Article Details


Category: Community & Cultural Connections

Author Biography

Elizabeth Burkhardt, University of Cincinnati

Major(s): Criminal Justice, Psychology