Reducing Opiod Risk

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Bridgette Turton
Taylor Hendershot
Olivia Hart
Paul Lewis


Record ID: 124

Student Major: Nursing 

Project Advisor: Paul Lewis

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to understand the literature provided in order to educate nurses and healthcare providers with a practice change as the goal. The specific question asks how this education for nurses on meditation for pain relief will improve nurses' knowledge base. The object of this study is to increase the implementation of meditation in pain relief techniques in order to inversely decrease the rates of opioid prescription. A literature review was completed with research done on how to educate pediatric nurses on the overprescription of opioids, associated risks, and how meditation can be used as an adjunct therapy to help relieve pain and therefore create a lesser need for opioids. Based on the education provided to the staff at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, the data showed a positive increase in nurse's perceptions of meditation as a pain management technique. Before the presentation, a question was asked to the audience to rate mediation 1-5 from not at all helpful (1) to very helpful (5). The original mean rating was 3.25, but by the end of the presentation the mean rating rose to 4.2 (a 19% increase). When asked about the uses of mediation, only 40% of the audience chose all of the correct responses, but by the end 70% chose the correct responses and all of the audience selected more of the correct answers than before. In addition, the data showed a 20% rise in the number of participants who considered opioid usage to be too much. 

Article Details

Category: Mental Health & Human Behavior
Author Biographies

Taylor Hendershot

Student Major: Nursing

Olivia Hart

Student Major: Nursing