How Childhood Poverty Negatively Impacts School Performance in the Early Years of Education

Main Article Content

Rachel McAninch
Gary Dick


Record ID: 38

Student Major: Social Work

Project Advisor: Gary Dick

Abstract: Childhood poverty is a chronic and consistent issue in societies around the world. It impacts 5.2% of children in the US. This percentage may seem small, but it is still millions of children. The purpose of this research is to bring to light the prevalence of the negative impacts that childhood poverty can bring on a child's education. Poverty can affect how children learn, behave, achieve, and overall perform in school. A specific focus was on Warren County as data was obtained from surveys to Warren County Children's Services caseworkers and SACWIS data from cases involving children in poverty. This research and data collection showed many commonalities between children and poverty and their education. Lack of school supplies, truancy, repetition of grades, and poor academic achievements are just a few of the reoccurrences in childhood poverty cases. The outcome of this research is knowledge. Education to the public about the negative impacts of poverty on a child's education, which is happening globally. Childhood poverty is an issue that takes the world to conquer. The value of this research is for society and children. Children's voices need to be heard and society needs to listen. This research is a small step in bringing awareness to this issue. 

Article Details

Category: Social Services, Healthcare, & Education
Author Biography

Rachel McAninch

Major: Social Work