The Fifth Vital Sign: Evaluating the Accuracy of Pain Assessment in Adolescents

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Lizzie Spaulding
Savannah Shenk
Joeseph Perazzo


By Lizzie Spaulding, Nursing; Savannah Shenk, Nursing

Advisor: Joeseph Perazzo

Abstract: An accurate pain assessment, in addition to patient pain perception, is crucial in creating an appropriate pain treatment plan and in preventing further complications such as Amplified Pain Syndrome. The Global Burden of Disease Study in 2016, reaffirmed that pain and pain-related diseases are the leading cause of disability world-wide. The purpose of our project is to identify the pain scale tool that is most effective in yielding an accurate pain assessment in adolescent pediatric patients in an acute care setting. A presentation of the most up to date research regarding the use of the FLACC, NRS, and VAS pain scales in a pain assessment, as well as information on Amplified Pain Syndrome, was given to a group of expert nurses on the Pain Team and Rehab Unit at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. The nurses were given a post questionnaire allowing them to demonstrate picking the appropriate pain scale in a given patient scenario. Results are still to be determined but will be included in the final presentation.

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