LAMP-2: Supersonic Business Jet

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Tobin Anderson
Rodrigo Villalva


By Tobin Anderson, Aerospace Engineering

Advisor: Rodrigo Villalva

Abstract: Supersonic flight is currently limited to military applications due to cost, complexity, and FAA regulations governing ground noise level. Research into low boom technologies is spurring development of private supersonic business jet concepts by companies such as Aerion Supersonic, Boom Supersonic, and Spike Aerospace. Our team, LAMP-2, has performed conceptual design and analysis on a supersonic business jet concept. This design effort was undertaken between August of 2019 and April of 2020. With two iterations completed in Fall 2019 and three iterations in Spring 2020, the sizing, performance, and aerodynamics of the aircraft have been analyzed through computation, numerical solvers, simulations, and experimental test data. The final aircraft can perform missions at both subsonic and supersonic speeds, all while maintaining the capability of utilizing any airport which a mid-size business jet can currently access.

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