Examining the Prevalence of PTSD among Individuals who Screen Positive for Substance Use Disorders Within the UC Emergency Health Department

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Kara Baumhardt
Gary Dick


By Kara Baumhardt, Social Work

Advisor: Gary Dick

Abstract: This study is a cross-sectional, retrospective study examining data collected by the Early Intervention Program(EIP) in the University of Cincinnati Health center's Emergency Department. This study will be examining the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) among individuals experiencing substance use disorders in comparison to the percentage of Americans who experience PTSD. This study will be using retrospective data gathered using patient assessments conducted by EIP counselors, who gather data examining sexual health, substance use, mental health, disease history, and needs such as housing, healthcare, and food insecurity. Positive indicators for substance use within this assessment introduces questions regarding PTSD, allowing the EIP staff to further examine the prevalence of PTSD among individuals with Substance Use Disorders(SUDs). This data seeks to emphasize different implications for Social Work practice in relation to PTSD intervention and substance use intervention.

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