Synthesis of an Acceptor to Utilize Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion in the Presence of Gold-Nanoparticles.

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Ethan Suran
Nathaniel Barker
Peng Zhang


By Ethan Suran, Chemistry; Nathaniel Barker, University of Cincinnati

Advisor: Peng Zhang

Abstract: Solar production is being recognized as a viable alternative energy source for the current energy crisis. However, solar energy is facing problems in the design of photovoltaics due to rather low efficiency as well as poor usage of the entire spectrum of energy our sun has to offer. A big topic in research and development is looking at the efficiency of a process called triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (TTA-UC). In general, the process of TTA-UC focuses on two major components, a photosensitizer and an acceptor. This development primarily targets the design, formation, and application of upconversion nanoparticles. Specifically, our approach has been focusing on isolating the location of the acceptor onto a gold nanoparticle (AuNP) in order to utilize the plasmonic resonance from the AuNP's. Finally, the scheme of this project is increasing the efficiency of the TTA-UC process but in general the production of solar energy.

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