How Does Social Emotional Leaning Improve Instructional Time?

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Ashley Homme
Anjanette Wells


By Ashley Homme, Social Work

Advisor: Anjanette Wells

Abstract: How does social emotional learning affect instructional time? How/ in what ways do PATHS interventions change: Student social- emotional learning? Teacher instruction? How do disparity in perspectives about social emotional learning, Differ in teacher's views and social workers views? There was one formal face to face interview and a survey with similar question sent to two teachers and I received one survey back due to the COVID-19 pandemic this did not surprise me. The data I collect will be analyzed by the pre and post-test at the school in which PATHS was implemented last school year. I will also be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the PATHS Curriculum by conducting face to face interviews with teachers and social workers that have had PATHS taught in their classrooms. In a review of my research prior to conducting my own, I was expecting more teachers to be every excited for PATHS because it is a time that the student can learn how to recognize their emotions and how to deal with them in a proper way. While conducting my own research it appeared that there was a lot of confusion of what was expected from the Social worker and the teachers.

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