Improve Infant Suffering Through Education

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Gabrielle Neric
Lauren Paskey
Isabella Albu
Kelley Mikut
Jenna Scott
Maggie Galloway
Donna Green


By Gabrielle Neric, Nursing; Lauren Paskey, Nursing; Isabella Albu, Nursing; Kelley Mikut, nan; Jenna Scott, nan; Maggie Galloway, nan

Advisor: Donna Green

Abstract: Infants suffering from neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) increased by 333% over the past fifteen years. The current standard protocol for NAS treatment, Finnegan scoring system, is subjective to the nurses' interpretation of the infants symptoms. The purpose of our educational project is to educate the proper application of the Finnegan scoring system, regarding nonpharmacological and pharmacological treatment strategies. Included in this presentation was information about the use of the Finnegan scoring system along with specific pharmacologic and nonpharmacological interventions based on severity of symptoms. We will be using a pre and posttest method to determine the effectiveness of our education presentation.

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