The Affect of Violence on the Cognitive Development of Adolescents

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Diedre Luna
Anjanette Wells


By Diedre Luna, Social Work

Advisor: Anjanette Wells

Presentation ID: 302

Abstract: In social work we see many different types of families with different needs. Child welfare is the field within social work that I am most interested in, so I chose a topic related to the health and safety of children. For my research project, I want to take a look into how violence affects children. To be more specific, I want to see how witnessing and/or being a victim to violence can affect the cognitive development of children. I also want to examine the differences between the relationships these children have compared to children who did not experience violence in their home. There is an abundance of research that shows how domestic violence can alter the brain chemistry of developing children. I have always found it interesting that these physical acts can alter the psychological development of a child. Even if a child is not a first-hand victim to the violence, they are still affected by it more than it can seem. Children who are involved in violence and unsafe households can have a harder time with their self-esteem, self-image, how they form relationships, and even how they perform academically. Parents and other care givers will often excuse violence in the home by saying that as long as the child is not physically injured, then they are not the victim. We know that this is not true. The purpose of my research study is to see what happens to children who experience violence at a young age.

Article Details

Category: Youth in Society