Influence of Prosocial Behavior and Program Implementation Methodology

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Victoria O'Neal
Anjanette Wells


By Victoria O'Neal, Social Work

Advisor: Anjanette Wells

Presentation ID: 293

Abstract: Many of the benefits of prosocial activity come from patterns of behavior rather than specific actions. Giving raise the question of how we can encourage the development of prosocial habits. The goal of this study is to discover what factors influence prosocial success among Hillcrest Academy students based on their status rank. Despite the fact that adolescence is recognized as a critical period for prosocial development, little is known about the factors that aid in the development of empathy and prosocial responses in adolescents (Silke, C., Brady, B., Boylan, C., & Dolan, P. 2018). This exploratory and descriptive qualitative study will describe variables that impact students' pro-social success in the program. Participants will be recruited from Hillcrest Academy's Rite of Passage. This program helps young men, aged 12 to 18, who have a history of delinquent conduct, mild mental health concerns, or special education needs gain vital academic, employment, and practical skills that will help them turn their lives around. Researchers were able to examine students at various status levels to gain a sense of their attitude and the elements that aided or hindered their prosocial progress.

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Category: Youth in Society